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On Dasher, On Prancher___.png

                                  Click Here to See

   "Santa Swinging Into Town"

                                              are owned and operated by Santa Rodger

                                                        Rodger is a Professional Santa 
                        with Degrees in Child Development and Early Childhood Education
                                                        from Florida State University.
                      Santa Rodger has Class 2 Background FBI Check, Liability Insurance
                 42 years working in preschools, assisted living and memory care facilities.
                                             SantaTallahassee, SantaClausTallahassee

                             I, Santa Rodger, have a Masters Degree in Santaclausology.
                                         Tallahassee's Santa Rodger has a real beard,
                       wears a professional custom made Santa Suit with real Boots and Belt.
               He even has Bells on his Boots that were made in 1856. Santa Rodger's email is
                      and Toy Shoppe # is 850-345-9413. 
                                      Santa Rodger portray's Santa in many public places
                                               where you can take your own photos.
                                      Yes, better photos then the photo company photos.
               In November I will list all public places where you may take your photos for free.

              Go to section at bottom of this page for public                               places to take your own photos!

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                             More Images of Santa at



                      So, who is this Santa Rodger person?

I am Rodger Tripp. Happily Married for 49
 years. We have three children, two grandchildren and two cats. We have lived in Tallahassee for 45 years.


I graduated from Florida State University with Degrees in
Child Development and Family Relations

Early Childhood Education
Music Education


I taught preschool and was a preschool director for 13 years.  For the last 34 years I have been Educationally Entertaining children in preschools. I also have entertained in assisted living and memory care facilities for 34 years. 

As "Santa Tallahassee or Santa Claus Tallahassee," I will always be in character. I will continue to educate myself in the
traditions of Christmas, so I can bring Christmas cheer and love to all people I meet in my journeys and travels. I will open my heart to listen to the secret dreams of both children and adults. I will never promise a gift to a child as I know the only gift 
I can give, as "Santa," is me. I will always do my best to pass on the love and joy of the Christmas Holiday season. I will always fulfill the 
wishes of children and adults as to their dreams, wishes and beliefs about "Santa" and Christmas.

Today, Children see "Santa" everywhere. How can he be in so many places at one time?  From early November up until Christmas Eve many parents tell children "Santa" needs lots of helpers.

Are you the real "Santa?"

This is a question all "Santas" hear. Some Santas say, "Yes, I am the real Santa." I answer in many different ways. Such as, "I looked real this morning when I was looking in the mirror and brushing my teeth." I also tell them the "Real Santa" will not tell you he is the "Real Santa," you have to decide.

"Yeah, but... how will I know?"

You will know the "Real Santa" by the feelings in your heart.

After All....."Santa" lives in the Hearts of Many.


Ho Ho Hooooo...On Dasher, on Dancer, On Prancer and Vixen, On Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen and...... On Rudolph.....Dash Away, Dash Away, Dash Away All!!


           Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!! 




         Free Photos with Santa
anta has many private events and only a few more public events.

District 850   2662 Fleischmann Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32308
                 December 11, 6-8pm, December 18, 6-8pm

Bradley's Country Store  10655 Centerville Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32309
                                          December 14, 11-3

Edison Restaurant   470 Suwannee St, Tallahassee, FL 32301
                                      December 15, 10-2pm
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